
Customization cannot be delivered without a good insight of your organization and location. For that reason we always come to the location first for an introduction of your organization and an inventory of the wishes and possibilities.

Customized advice

Based on your requirements, needs, location and de desired LED display(s), we make a recommendation customized to your business. This recommendation will contain the optimal placement location, perfect pixel size and appropriate size LED display.


The moment you agree with the offered advice,  we will offer the accompanying quote and hand it to you. In this quotation is clearly defined the type of LED display(s) we will deliver and assemble, our delivery terms, procedures and optimal service.

Construction and placement

We provide the installation and placement within the relevant safety standards, so that the LED display both during placement and thereafter meets the standards and quality requirements.

Training and instructions

With each LED screen we provide, you will receive clear instructions with a short training. This way you know exactly how you have to deal with the supplied software. Afterwards, if there are any questions left you can make use of our excellent service and aftercare.

Aftercare, service and maintenance

To ensure the sustainability and quality of your LED display, there is periodic maintenance required. We offer customized maintenance, so you do not have to worry about things like failures, faults and necessary maintenance.